Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Town in India is Sinking!

On tuesday, CNN reported that a small town in India has sunk more than 20 feet and has displaced some 250 people from their homes.  In 1994 a small crack was discovered in the small town of Mamit which is in the northeastern area of India.  It was just until recently (obviously) that the crack became dangerous as 61 families were evacuated before anyone could become hurt.  During June very heavy rained weakend porous rock beneath the city causing the ground to sink and cave.  Beside evacuations there have also been 43 houses dismantled as a precautionary measure and the residents who have been displaced are now living in schools and community centers.  Geologists claim that the ground should not sink any further but the city has been granted land in another area and aid has been given to build new homes for the residents.  At least in this case enough precauntionary measures were taken that no one was injured and minimal damage was caused to peoples property.

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